Sabre Fencing in High Tierce (Austro-Hungarian Military Sabre Series) In this translation you have a glimpse of sabre fencing in the so-called “High Tierce” system, promoted by Franz Litomyský and Gusztáv Arlow prior to the latter’s adoption of the Radaellian elbow moulinet, with its quite different cutting mechanics. A must-have for those seeking to understand pre-Radaellian Hungarian sabre usage, particularly those interested in learning how to use the false edge effectively.

Klutz Therapy: Simple Habits That Can Change Your Life LITTLE HABITS BIG CHANGES Were you picked last in sports? Do you remember when it DIDN'T hurt to move? Klutz Therapy is the little book you never knew you needed, full of small but life-changing habits you can build into your day on the fly. Each lesson is deigned to be integrated into things you have to do ANYWAY, so that instead of trying to do more, you can do what you already like to do....better.

Sabre Fencing: by Károly Leszák (Austro-Hungarian Military Sabre Series) Where did Italo-Hungarian sabre fencing come from? For the first time, the sabre fencing manual of Károly Leszák, primary sabre instructor at the prestigious Ludovica Military Academy, is made available in English. A must-read for historical fencers wishing to understand the evolution of Italo-Hungarian fencing, and for modern Olympic fencers curious where their methods come from.

Fencing at the Theresian Academy (Austro-Hungarian Military Sabre Series) Originally An Educational Guide for Staff, Foil, Sabre, and Bayonet Fencing by Major Josef Feldmann, Commandant of the fencing and gymnastics course at the Theresian Academy in Vienna Neustadt, this treatise presents a rare opportunity to see four major training weapons taught in a unified system at one of the world's oldest military academies -- and a premiere locus of military education for the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

Sir Gusztáv Arlow's Sabre Fencing (Austro-Hungarian Military Sabre Series) The Birth of Italo-Hungarian Fencing! Gusztáv Arlow’s work represents perhaps the point where the Hungarian public sees a well-established, and well-respected fencer come forward to discuss the merits of the “Italian,” fencing method, while discussing its integration with elements of Hungarian sabre fencing. A must-have for historical fencers and those interested in the birth of the modern Italo-Hungarian school.

Franco-Japanese Military Sabre and Bayonet The Japanese did not passively receive French instruction, but adapted it to their own combat theories, creating methods which became less and less "westernized" during the period from the Meiji Restoration until World War I. This book contains translations from three manuals, as well as notes and appendices to help the reader appreciate these dynamic and sophisticated fencing methods and the context in which they emerged.

How to (Look) Kick(-)Ass With Swords There are lots of ways to learn to sword-fight. But what if you're not a martial-artist or fencer, and need to fake it? What if you're cosplaying or performing where you have to portray people who are really good with swords, and don't have years to get good at fencing? Whether you're one person auditioning for an action role or a group doing action choreography for your next show, this book will teach you what you need to know to look amazing on stage.

The Weightless Ribbon: Rolling with Ease in Seven Lessons The Weightless Ribbon provides a new, simple approach to learning how to fall and roll safely: by learning where you get support from the ground, you can learn to move to the ground, on it, over it, and away from it, in any direction that you want. Russ Mitchell has used this method to teach rolling and fall safety to students aged 8-80.

Driving With Ease (Live Better With the Feldenkrais Method) Love your life, but hate your commute? Like meeting people, but hate driving to where they are? Would you like to get out of your car feeling looser and more relaxed than when you got into it?By helping you deepen your understanding of how you organize your body, this book will show you how you can turn a daily chore most people dread into something you can look forward to that leaves you feeling refreshed and "ready to do the thing."

Malik The Pawn Malik's star is rising. The village boy's bravery nets him an award far beyond his station -- to serve the Moon Daughter's Temple for a year. But serving a Goddess isn't all it's cracked up to be. Malik finds himself possessed and in possession of dangerous secrets, as devastating changes come to a world he hardly comprehends. He will travel with a bitter, huntress and a healer who's chained to a past he can't escape, as Malik struggles to regain his freedom - and his soul.

Malik Unbound Malik may have been rendered harmless, but his vacation from crisis is far from over.Seemingly abandoned by the Sun Forges, he must struggle to save himself and his family against the rising of the Eater Below. But Malik is not the only player in the game, and others, with more knowledge and more power, have their own ideas about how to weather the looming catastrophe.The thrilling sequel to Malik the Pawn!

Hungarian Hussar Sabre and Fokos Fencing (Austro-Hungarian Military Sabre Series) This is a heavily-illustrated, step-by-step guide for how to fence -- and how to teach! -- Hungarian sabre fencing, as well as how to use the "fokos," or long-handled axe traditional to Hungary and East-Central Europe. It covers everything from basic stance work and tactics to complete synoptic tables and how to troubleshoot students who are having difficulty with the material.