It was a pleasure this morning to see the Sistine Chapel exhibit in Irving Mall, and also to notice some true-to-life details not really visible at a distance.

These hands have eaten some hammer blows — check out those knuckles.

Besides the really nice sense of movement here, check out that Cherub going “hey God! Imma tickle his foot…”

See the inside of that dude’s foot (emphasis, red oval)? That heavy musculature on the inside of the foot is a classic sign of somebody who collapses their arches and shoves their body weight onto their big toe. EVERY person I have worked with who “had flat feet” showed this excess foot musculature as a necessary compensation for lack of proper arch use.
It’s “inside baseball, but still, really subtle stuff that shows Michelangelo was paying real attention to his models. If you can see this exhibit, it’s WELL worth your time.